SuperHero Pet Waste Removal | Dog Poop Removal , Yard Sanitation and Deodorizing | 954-300-1217


We love them, feed them healthy food, take them outside for fresh air, sleep with them, and comfort them when they cry. We buy them big comfortable beds, cute clothes and fun toys. Just like a baby, we need to take care of our dog’s poo.

The average baby’s parent changes 4-6 diapers a day, and nearly 2000 diapers a year. Comparatively, most dogs don’t receive the same hygiene treatment from their puppy parents, but dog waste is becoming a growing problem in homes, neighborhoods, and eco-systems around the country. Even though housetrained dogs make their mess outside, it still needs to be cleaned up to protect your lawn, your family, and the environment.

So as unpleasant and time consuming as pooper scooper duty may be, keeping doggie deposits off the ground is an important responsibility held by every pet owner. Here’s why:


Time is of the essence in most families nowadays.  Hectic schedules, long work hours and shuffling kids to and from after school and evening activities leave little time for getting tasks done.  It’s easy to neglect tasks such as cleaning up pet waste in the yard when you have such a full plate.  Delegating tasks such as these leave more time for relaxation, entertaining and coveted family time.  Why spend your time scooping poop when you have so many other things you would rather be doing?

A seemingly insignificant, nuisance of a task really has the power to impact your life and the lives around you.  Try the services of a pet waste removal company and chances are you’ll never go back to doing the job yourself.

Environmental Concerns

Dog waste is an environmental pollutant. According to biological research, a single gram of dog poop can contain 23 million types of bacteria. Over time, this waste gets absorbed by the soil and filtered into our waterways. Our natural ecological system can cope with the bacteria produced by a few dogs per square mile, but in some areas there are over 100 dogs per square mile. Even though there are wastewater filtration systems in most areas, they are not designed to handle the bacteria in dog feces. Therefore, dog waste in water causes several problems.

  • Animal waste is among the top contributors of bacterial pollution in urban watersheds. When dog waste is left on your lawn, roundworms, hookworms, and bacteria can live in the soil for long periods of time. These diseases and bacteria can be easily transmitted to humans and other animals, and cause serious problems such as Giardia, Salmonella, and E. coli.
  • When dog waste is carried into a water stream, it adds a significant amount of nitrogen to the water. This nitrogen depletes the oxygen necessary for grasses, wildlife, and fish.
  • When rain falls, the poop is mixed in with storm water runoff, and flows downstream across yards, parks, trails, etc. on its way to the storm drains. This leads to serious water quality issues, which lead to contamination of beaches, lakes, streams, fish, seafood and drinking water.

In 1991, dog waste was officially labeled as a non-point source pollutant by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This places dog feces in the same category as oil and grease, toxic chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, and excess fertilizers.

Pet & Kids

Children are at risk. Hopefully you would never let your children play with toxic things, or swim in dangerous water. But if you have dogs and children, this may pose a similar harm.

Playing with your dog in the backyard may seem harmless, until Lassie takes a moment to do her business in the same area where the kids are playing. Leaving it there could pose a serious health risk.

When dog poo is deposited on your lawn, roundworms and other parasites are attracted to it and get into the soil. Children and adults can come in contact with leftover poop and those parasites can be transferred to them as well.

Even if the poop is not fresh, one small pile could hold a variety of diseases. In humans, these infections can have several adverse effects, with children being the most susceptible.

Protect Your Lawn

Dog waste is far from fertilizer. Do you ever wonder why your once green lawn is now covered with dead spots and yellow stains? That’s because pet waste does not make a good fertilizer. Unlike herbivores, a dog’s diet is made up of mostly animal products, making their waste unsuitable for soil enrichment. Leaving pet waste on the ground or concentrating it in one specific area of the yard can have a detrimental effect on soil quality. Dog feces are harmful to your lawn and can cause dead spots and discoloring.

Mowing over doggie poop does not solve the problemRunning doggie deposits over with a lawn mower may seem like the perfect doo doo disappearing act, but just because you can’t see the waste anymore doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Nearly half of dog owners in the United States admit to not picking up after their own pet. Without proper pet waste disposal, the damage to your lawn can be irreversible. This can cause challenges with maintaining your landscape. It can also have an adverse effect if you are trying to sell your home.

Rodents love pet waste.

Rodents love pet waste. Dog poop can be a common food source for rats and other rodents in developed areas. An unwanted neighbor in any community, the presence of rodents can decrease the property values of all nearby homes and presents a host of additional health concerns to residents themselves.

It's the Law

Even though we don’t expect the poop police to show up and inspect your backyard, many areas have laws that require pet owners to clean up after their pets do their business. Not cleaning up after your pet can be considered poor judgment and also a failure to provide a safe place for children. In some areas you may see signs posted requiring dog owners to pick up after their pets and/or a phone number to call to report those who don’t.

Common Courtesy

Anyone who has been unlucky enough to step in dog poop can relate to the practical reasons for cleaning up. One step in it can really ruin your day. This is in addition to health concerns for the environment and your family.


If your dogs have free reign of your yard, it becomes less desirable for entertaining, family barbeques, parties, outdoor activities, and gardening. This is also true for public and common areas. If they are not cleaned, the feces inhibits the ability of others to enjoy the area. Dirty yards and common areas attract unpleasant odors, flies, and other pests.

If you are the parent of an infant, you change diapers. If you’re a dog owner, you dispose of their waste. Cleaning up after your pet and proper disposal of their waste is just a condition of ownership and part of the responsibilities of caring for your dog. It’s more than just being polite, it’s critical for the health of your dog, your children, your neighborhood, and others in the area.

Since the average dog produces approximately 3/4 pounds of poop every day, we recommend scooping at least once a week for one dog. If you have two or more dogs, we recommended scooping at least twice weekly to keep our families healthy and our shoes clean.

Less mess, less stress.

Less mess, less stress. The more frequently you scoop the yard, the easier it is to stay on top of the aforementioned pet waste problems. Luckily, for those who don’t have enough time to pull out the rake or shovel and scour the yard for doggie deposits, local pet waste removal services can help you wash your hands clean of the whole cleanup business, all for about the same price as a large pizza.

Dog Poop Removal

SUPERHERO PET WASTE REMOVAL provides dog waste clean up services to residents and communities of all sizes. Weekly/Bi-Weekly/One-Time/Seasonal


Yard Sanitation & Deodorizing is a necessity for any animal-related yard & facility, whether you own a commercial dog boarding kennel, a doggy daycare and even if you are the average pet owner with a yard.


We understand how important it is to keep communities clean by picking up dog poop. SUPERHERO PET WASTE REMOVAL sells, installs and services top quality dog waste stations as part of a complete commercial waste management program for HOA’s, apartment complexes, condominiums, parks and more.


SUPERHERO PET WASTE REMOVAL service offers pet waste cleanup services for residential and all types of commercial properties. If you have a dog poop or goose waste removal issue and need a professional pooper scooper, we are your solution for condominiums, HOAs, apartments, parks, dog runs, and professional office buildings.

If you are looking for a SUPERHERO PET WASTE REMOVAL company then please call 954-300-1217‬ or complete our online request form.